Walnut Park Middle School - STEM Academy Home

Ready For The World

News & Announcements


No School on 2/17 in Observance of President's Day

STEM Academy will be closed on Monday, February 17th in observance of President's Day. Classes will resume on Tuesday, February 18th.
La academia STEM estará cerrada el lunes 17 de febrero debido al día de los presidentes. Las clases reanudarán el martes 18 de febrero.

Coffee with the Principal 2/18

Join our principal Mrs. Sanabria for coffee with the principal on Tuesday, February 18th at 8:30am in the parent center.

Acompañe nuestra directora, la Sra. Sanabria, para café con la directora este martes, 18 de febrero a las 8:30 en el centro de padres.

Class of 2025 Panorama Picture

The panorama picture for our class of 2025 will be taken this Wednesday, February 19th. Please make sure you are not absent and dress appropriately for the photograph.

Nuestra clase de 2025 se tomará la foto panorámica este miércoles, 19 de febrero. Asegúrese que su estudiante esté presente ese día y vestido/a apropiadamente.

STEM Spring Parent-Teacher Conference Night

This is a valuable opportunity to discuss your child's progress, address any concerns, and collaborate with teachers to support their learning journey.

Esta es una valiosa oportunidad para discutir el progreso de su estudiante, abordar cualquier inquietud y colaborar con los maestros para apoyar su viaje de aprendizaje.

STEM Academy fundraiser at Raising Cane's

Support our school by mentioning our fundraiser on Friday, February 20th from 11:00am to 9:00pm at Raising Cane's located at 5795 Bickett Street, Huntington Park, CA 90255.

Shortened Day 2/21 at 1:42

This is a reminder for all parents and students that STEM Academy will be on a shortened schedule on Friday, February 21st. Dismissal time will be at 1:42.

Este es un recordatorio para los estudiantes y padres de la academia STEM notificandoles que estaremos en horario de día acortado el 21 de febrero. El horario de salida será a la 1:42.
STEM Weekley

This week in STEM


Cell Phone/Electronic Devices Policy


Feb 12

Feb 14

Science Data Day

Time: 8 AM – 8:30 AM

5-week grades due

Time: 2:30 PM – 3 PM

Feb 17

Holiday (President's Day)

Time: 8 AM – 8:30 AM

Feb 18

ELPAC Begins

Time: 8 AM – 8:30 AM
Books, apple, pencils, and a clock staged together

About Us

Our STEM program fosters learning in which students are guided to produce original ideas, objects and structures using concepts and skills from science, technology, engineering, and math. We aim to grow students' capacity for creativity, fun and back-loaded learning in a STEM context.
Graduation cap and diploma

Our Mission

To ensure that our students graduate ready for the world, we empower them with a high-quality, rigorous college preparatory education that fosters academic excellence, principled character, visionary leadership and a lifelong love of learning.

At A Glance

  • 18% Emergent Bilinguals
  • 15% GATE Enrollment
  • 13% Special Education Enrollment
  • 8% Reclassification Rate
  • 0 Suspensions
  • 100% Special Education Inclusion in General Education